[gpva-ic] Proposal- GPVA join Commonwealth Coalition

aloe at rev.net aloe at rev.net
Wed May 3 14:13:02 EDT 2006

At 10:26 PM 5/1/06 -0400, E. Sheffield wrote:

>Just read about the Commonwealth Coalition <www.VoteNoVa.org> in the New
>River Free Press.

That URL gave me a floating point error and a general protection fault. If
I can't read about an organization, I'm not inclined to support it.

>It's a coalition being put together to oppose the
>constitutional amendment on this year's ballot that will ban gay marriage
>and civil unions.

Please be precise. Does the amendment seek to ban any marriages between
gays (such as marriages of convenience between beards), or to ban marriages
between same-sex partners, even if both are straight? Do we know what the
effect will be on tourism?

>I propose that the GPVA join the coalition.  I believe that their stated
>purpose is in alignment with the platform of the GPVA.

Can I read the amendment and the organization's platform? What is expected
of GPVA if we join?

-- Charlie Jordan <http://www.rev.net/~aloe/freedom>

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