[gpva-ic] Request for more time

k mook redno52001 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 11 07:53:02 EST 2003


Jim Polk and I have spent many hours on the phone and
reading emails regarding this NOVA dispute.

As a grassroots organization, it is not up to any one
Officer to decide on a local dispute.

As of late last night there is some CHANCE that  the
two groups can achieve a compromise and the IC will
not have to act. Can consideration of this matter be
delayed at least through the end of the weekend???

My opinion on Carey's "actions" has been crystal
clear--they are unacceptable and in contradiction of
the Ten Key Values. Officer election without good
faith effort to notify the NOVA members, imposition of
a new voting process, lack of debate or discussion
before calling for a vote...

Again--the next course of action is up to the members
of the NOVA Greens--whether they will exist as two
distinct entities or compromise into one local.

Absent any compromise, I would support IC action on
this matter.



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